A team of researchers from German, Finnish, and Canadian Universities, led by Dr. Jeanine Kirchner-Krath, recently published the interesting article Uncovering the theoretical basis of user types: An empirical analysis and critical discussion of user typologies in research on tailored gameful design.
They analyzed and…
I have previously described my research that results in the creation of the Groups of Gameful Design Elements. If you're not familiar with it yet, I highly recommend reading the three-post series starting with the one linked in the previous sentence. In my work, I…
Currently, there are many new applications being developed in the "Web 3.0", which means that they store data in a decentralized way using blockchain technologies. One trend is that of "play-to-earn" games. It is an interesting idea. Because the game objects are on the blockchain…
Although I have been writing on this blog for several years now, I had not yet attempted to provide a definition of gamification because we already had plenty of definitions out there. But our community was recently challenged by Andrzej Marczewski to re-discuss the existing…
Nota: Esta é uma tradução do artigo original Hexad: A Player Type Framework for Gamification Design, escrito por Andrzej Marczewski. Traduzido por Gustavo F. Tondello em julho de 2021.
Outra metáfora do design de jogos muito mal entendida, mas super-utilizada em gamificação é o modelo…
Several research studies have been showing that personalized gameful solutions can lead to higher engagement and performance. However, personalized gameful design faces two challenges: deciding how to select game elements and activities that are appealing to different users, and deciding how to adapt the experience…
Last week was Gamification Europe 2020, an amazing forum to exchange experiences and learn from what everyone is doing in the gamification world. On the first day of the conference, I gave a talk about Personalized Gameful Design. If you missed it, you can check…
In this interview Pete Jenkins asked Gustavo about his many researches and experiences with gamification. We dived into User Types and Player Traits and when to use them, took a look at Goal Setting Theory with Gamification and then got into the practicalities of…
We're delighted to tell you about our keynote speaker Gustavo Tondello. His talk Personalized Gameful Design will be on the Learning and Education day of Gamification Europe 2020. We had a chance for a quick interview with Gustavo about what he does and what we…
In the latest article I published at Frontiers in Computer Science, titled Validation of User Preferences and Effects of Personalized Gamification on Task Performance, I studied how users would react to being able to customize their gameful experience. Additionally, the study also showed that task…